Thursday 13 January 2011

The Journey Home

Singapore > Delhi > London > Home!

Well, that was an eventful 9 months. And not because of the reason usually associated with that particular timeframe.

After all of the emotions, we were both feeling pretty drained, and this had got to be the worst part of the entire trip... the journey home. Not only were we saying goodbye to a lifestyle that we are unlikely to be able to replicate again anytime soon (not going to work, doing what we want, when we want, no-one at all to answer to... ever) we've also had the dreaded homeward-bound travel to endure.

When you get to the last day of a 2 week holiday, all you want to do is be instantly transported back into your own home by clicking your fingers, without the hassle of airports, planes and driving. After 9 months, the tantilisation that you will be in your own bed, near your own fridge and know that you're definately not getting on any dangerous 28 hour bus journeys soon makes that feeling all the more poignant. Our experience travelling home was no different...